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Share the thrill of bike riding with young toddlers.
They’ll master the skills of balance and steering, and you’ll never need to “teach” them how to ride a big kid bike.
How it works:
These starter bikes for toddlers are pedal-free. Kids age 2-5 first learn how to balance and steer. Once they’re gliding smoothly, they’ll be ready to transition to a two-wheeler without the help of training wheels! With balance to pedal bikes you end the frustration of learning to ride with wobbly wheels and Mom’s support.
The 12 inch balance bike that grows with your child:
Gift a balance to ride bike to a kid you cherish.Perfect for letting kids enjoy the outdoors, boost their balance and coordination, and gain confidence in their riding ability.And, now they can join the family bike rides as an active participant.
Why choose this balance bike for 2 year olds:
More specifications for these starter bikes for toddlers:
Let your toddler experience the freedom of riding and the thrill of a caressing breeze.Get this lightweight 12 Inch Balance Bike, and you’ll both share the delight.