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Why Baby Balance Bike?
If you learned to ride a bike back in the ’80s or early ’90s, you probably took the standard progression. It went: tricycle, training wheels, and then bruised and bloody limbs on a newly 2-wheeled pain machine. The child development experts agree that the only thing training wheels do is help a kid learn to pedal, but the most important thing of conquering a bike is BALANCE, which is exactly what our Baby Balance Bike will help to develop.
Compare to normal balance bike, our Baby Balance Bike is specially designed to minimize the danger of riding. Unlike other kids who only loves playing with smart-phone or tablet indoor, your baby will be very active and love cycling at very early age. Then, they’ll pretty much be able to make a seamless transition to the pedal-pushing bike. That means that you won’t really get to run behind them, shouting gleeful encouragement like you normally see in popular media.
Leg strength, balance, self-confidence and most important thing: Happiness! These are what our Baby Balance Bike offers.
Premium quality from top to bottom Made of top-quality martial.
BPA free, nontoxic, durable and Sturdy.
135 degree steering limit avoid baby side falling down, you don't need to worry that your baby will falling down, this bike is perfect to help baby keep balance.
Press the button to set the seat height. 2 levels from 12.6" to 14.2".
4 Steps assembly. No tool required. Open the box and install the parts within 5 minutes. Free to go!
We have over 10 years of baby bike design experience. This one is our latest design with own patent. Safe, Fun and Memorable.